US co-sponsors EU-led Resolution over Myanmar Human Rights

United States has co-sponsored a resolution led by European Union (EU) highlighting ongoing human rights concerns in Myanmar including for Rohingya. It has also recalled developments made since February 1 in 46th session of UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).


Council of the European Union on March 22, 2021 imposed sanctions on 11 individuals who were responsible for military coup in Myanmar and subsequent military & police repression against peaceful demonstrators. The UNHRC also urge military to restore democratically elected government in country and release those who were unjustly detained. UNHCR also urged military to refrain from violence against people of Burma. UNHCR Resolution also renewed mandate of Special Rapporteur and continued its support towards Independent Investigative Mechanism in Myanmar.

United States’ Stand on Military Coup

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, announced new sanctions against Bureau of Special Operations commander, Lt Gen Aung Soe; chief of police of Myanmar Than Hlaing; and two army units implicated in human rights abuses across ethnic areas. US along with United Kingdom, Norway and Albania supported language which condemned military’s actions and expanded monitoring & reporting.

Military Coup in Myanmar

Myanmar’s military had declared the ‘state of emergency’ for a year by overthrowing the democratically elected government in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, before newly-elected parliament was about to convene. Military also house arrest the State Counsellor of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other top officials who were accused of election fraud.

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

UNHCR is a United Nations body which promote and protect human rights across the world. It comprises of 47 members elected for a three-year term on a regional group basis. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The body investigates allegations of breaches of human rights across the United Nations member states. It also look after thematic human rights issues like freedom of association and assembly, freedom of belief & religion, freedom of expression, LGBT rights, women’s rights and rights of racial & ethnic minorities.


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