Page-11 of GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

2018 Case Study -2

Actors in the case: I as a Judge, Other two judges, Referee, My son, Opponent of my son in the match. Ethical concerns in this case: Conflict of Interest: I being a judge of a match wherein my son is ..

2017 Mock Test -12: GS-IV: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – Case Study -5

While every option from the first down to fifth is ethical decisions, none can be said to be the best. If Ajay Singh agrees with the decision regarding non-extension of his tenure but feels internally that he has been victimized, ..

Keeping perspective of Public Servants in focus, critically analyze the potential consequences of relying solely on IQ in decision-making, overlooking the significance of EQ in understanding the emotions and perspectives of the community they serve.

Relying solely on IQ (Intelligence Quotient) in decision-making for public servants can have several potential consequences, as it overlooks the significance of EQ (Emotional Quotient) in understanding the emotions and perspectives of the community they serve. Lack of Empathy and ..

How the personal values and guiding principles play role while making tough decisions and undertaking major changes? Discuss with suitable examples.

Values are principles or standards of behaviour which guides one’s judgment of what is important in life. Values are often derived from the acculturation and enculturation. As a result there would be by and large conformity of the societal values ..

If ethics is defined as a system of right and wrong, and as a means to live accordingly, how does etiquette differ from ethics? Discuss

Ethics are the set of standards which society places on itself. Etiquette is a code of behaviour that outlines expectations for social behaviour within a society, social class or group. Ethics is a much broader term and usually etiquette is ..

2018-Mock-8: Case Study-1

a. Discuss the ethical grounds of the issue. The ethical issues being faced here are: Business Ethics vs Social Responsibility or Economics vs Environmental Ethics While business ethics teaches to minimise one’s expenditure and spur growth and profit, social responsibility ..

What do you understand by Social Skills? Discuss the importance of Social Skills in Civil Services.

Social skills of a person reflect his ability to communicate and interact with others either verbally or non-verbally. It may also include different gestures, written expressions, and other modes of communication. Effective understanding starts with good communication. Civil servants are ..

What do you understand by being "inherently good"and "inherently bad"? Do you believe that all human beings are either inherently good or bad? Give arguments to support your view.

Good and bad are binary opposites. Inherently is defined as something that is built-in or a part of the makeup of a person or thing. Inherently good refers to goodness being inherent in the individual across time and space irrespective of the circumstances. ..