Page-8 of GS-III: Science & Technology

Give an account of growth and development of nuclear science and technology in India. What is advantage of fast breeder reactor programme in India?

Nuclear power ranks fifth in terms of the largest source of electricity in India after coal-based plant, gas-based plant, hydroelectricity, and wind power. Homi Jehangir Bhabha is the man whose vision made India self-reliant in the field of nuclear energy. ..

What are bots? How are they capable of transforming the shape of technology? Discuss.

Bots or virtual robots technically are a set of algorithms which are designed for doing automated tasks that requires running scripts over the internet. They are basically applications that perform simple and repetitive tasks efficiently and quickly, with greater expertise ..

What are Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs)? Discuss their potential role in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

Atal Tinkering Labs are a part of the ambitious Atal Innovation Mission set up at NITI aayog. These labs are designed to be constituted in the schools across the country with a vision to nurture one million children in India ..

What do you understand by "Glacier mass balance"? While elucidating the factors that affect the Glacier mass balance, discuss its implications for geography and environment.

Glacier Mass Balance is the gain and loss of ice from the glacier system. When glaciers lose more mass than they receive, it will be in negative mass balance and so will recede. When glaciers gain more mass than they lose, ..

Present the SWOT analysis of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Identification Systems with respect to benefit of transfers in all government schemes. Are there any better alternatives? Discuss.

Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Identification systems have come to cripple the life of many in marginalised sections as it is a pre-requisite at every electronic point of sale to authenticate all transactions. This has come in wake of the government orders ..

In recent years, ISRO has emerged as the front runner for global space agencies to collaborate to understand earth better. Analyze the challenges and steps needed for India to emerge as a global hub for space activities in this context. Can the commercial ventures make ISRO free of government support?

In recent years, ISRO has emerged as the front runner for global space agencies to collaborate to understand earth better. For example, ISRO and JAPAN’s JAXA planned to bringing samples from the moon back to earth through a joint mission ..

Throw some light on the potential applications of quantum technology. Also, discuss the challenges associated with this technology.

Quantum technology is the latest leap in computer technology & will usher in a golden age for humanity. A traditional computer uses binary bits, which denote either 1 or 0. But in a quantum computer, there may be multiple possible ..

With suitable examples, elucidate the role being played by and future potential of Collaborative bots (Cobots) in various sectors.

Cobot or a Collaborative robot which is designed to work alongside humans in a shared work environment. They stand in contrast to robots which are primarily autonomous and have limited guidance. They are also known as Intelligent Assist Device. They ..