Page-7 of GS-III: Science & Technology
Discuss the key aspects of current debate on reconstituting / restructuring India's higher defence organization.
The current debate on restructuring the higher defense organization of India arose out of the issue of appointment of Chief of Defense Staff (CDS). There are two views on this issue, while some consider it as an unreasonable concentration of ..
What do you understand by "Data Science" and "Big Data"? Discuss while analyzing their potential in changing the way politics and governance is conducted.
Data Science is a technique of data extraction for information that uses a combination of mathematics, programming, problem solving, statistics and capturing data for cleansing, preparing and aligning the data. Big data refers to that data which is so huge ..
While the National IPR {Intellectual Property Rights} policy has tried to address a number of gaps in India's IPR system, it has number of flaws. Discuss.
The National IPR Policy addresses gap in current IPR system by creating synergy between all forms of intellectual property, concerned statutes and agencies. Its seeks to bring India’s IP regime on par with global standards and help improve its ranking ..
Discuss the positive and negative effects of digital revolution on young generation.
Digital technology has brought about a revolution in way of life of people. It has made access to all information with just click of a mouse. The children are also one of the major recipients of this information. The positive ..
What are digital pills? How do they work?
Digital pills are the latest technological development in the field of medicine. They are more than just a medicine and include a sensor that can travel safely through the body and communicate with some kind of external device, like an ..
Every major advancement in technology has its own set of opportunities and challenges, same is true with robotics. Discuss this in context of India.
Robotics has ushered in umpteen possibilities using which the world is embarking on industrial revolution 4.0. Opportunities for India: Agriculture – Precision agriculture, irrigation and water use efficiency. Mineral prospecting (oil) and exploitation to avoid rat hole mining. Cleaning oil ..
While giving an account of spatial pattern of 'semiconductor industry' around the world, discuss its key features that make it unique in global economy.
The spatial pattern of the semi-conductor industry is largely concentrated in the following places- US South Korea China The semi-conductor industry is driven by technological innovations. Some of the important characteristics and demands which make the industry truly global in ..
What is a "dark fibre"in terms of communication? Discuss the recent controversy pertaining to dark fibre, National Stock Exchange (NSE) and algorithm trading.
Dark fibre networks are some dedicated communication line which provides a significant advantage over the internet service providers (ISPs) by facilitating better scalability and speed. Recently it was alleged that some brokers got preferential access to the trading system in ..