Page-17 of GS-III: Science & Technology
RFID Technology & its Applications
RFID stands for ‘Radio-frequency identification’ where digital data is encoded in RFID tags or smart labels which is captured by a reader. It is similar to barcoding where data from a tag is captured by a device. RFID belongs to ..
Discuss the potential of digital technologies in bringing structural changes in world economy. In the light of these disruptions, do you agree with the view that reports of end of globalization are highly exaggerated? Opine.
Globalization has led to the integration of national economies into a global market. Access to global products, the transformation of business technologies, and reducing trade and travel barriers have redefined life over the last two-three decades.Though, due to rising nationalism ..
Telecom Industry : Adoption of 5G
The telecom industry has spoken about India’s high spectrum costs which have left the companies finances stretched. Two of the sector’s three major players are looking at extra payments to be made to the government. The industry is complaining of ..
ISRO should also involve private sector to join in building the proposed space station. Comment.
ISRO has lately announced to build India�s very own space station in next 5-10 years. The first hint for the ambitious project had come in 2017 when Rs. 10 Crores budget was allotted for an orbital meeting and docking between ..
LESA or Lunar Evacuation System Assembly is a system to rescue astronauts in case of injury on lunar surface. Comment.
The Lunar Evacuation System Assembly developed by the European Space Agency is a structure shaped like a pyramid which is being aimed to rescue astronauts if they incur any injury on the lunar surface. LESA enables an astronaut to rescue ..
What do you understand by Defence Offset Policy? What are issues in its effective implementation?
Defence offset is the compensations that India seeks from the foreign defence equipment seller for the purchase of military equipments. Offset Policy is to leverage capital acquisitions to develop Indian defence industry by: Fostering development of internationally competitive enterprises, Augmenting ..
Hydrogen Cell Technology & Its Significance
The hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) use hydrogen as source of fuel and an oxidant to create electricity via an electrochemical process. It can be understood as the simple combination of hydrogen and oxygen to generate electric water with ..
Partnerships with leading global institutions can ensure our ideas and implementation strategies are globally relevant. Comment.
India’s strength in science and technology is renowned with our bold process in space and nuclear energy programs. Several departments under the Ministry of Science and Technology, take for example Biotechnology have forged strong foundations to boost early stage innovation. ..