Page-47 of GS-III: Economy & Economic Development
The concept of payment banks seems to be a novel concept having financial inclusion its most likely outcome. However, some have expressed doubts over their viability and scalability. Examine the issue throwing light on their business model.
Model Answer Payment banks cannot give loans and cannot accept time deposits. This would simply mean that they cannot earn the interest spread between loans and deposits and their revenue model is mainly on transaction charges. Since they would work ..
Why the GST council is considering an amnesty scheme?
GST Council is a constitutional body which is mandated to be the final decision-making authority on all GST-related matters. There are reports that GST council is considering an amnesty scheme to provide an exit route to ‘nil’ filers and non-filers ..
What are the UNDP indicators with reference to the planning process?
The United Nations Development Programme presented its 12th Annual Report in New Delhi in July, 2001. This report was based on making new techniques for development. The Human Development Report includes total 162 countries of which India is numbered behind ..
How Indian Economy has fared in the second quarter?
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the second quarter (July-September) Q2 of 2018-19. Indian Economy in the Second Quarter: The GDP growth has slowed to 7.1%, ..
To what extent the establishment of District Mineral Foundations (DMFs) is capable to alleviate the problems of the people living in mining affected areas? Examine in the light of recently amended Mines and Minerals Act.
Model Answer: Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015, mandates establishment of District Mineral Foundations (DMFs) in all mining districts of the country by state governments. The foundation will be headed by District Magistrate. The objective of District ..
“ICT has many potential applications in delivering agricultural extension and can bring new information services to rural areas.”Discuss
The potential of information & communication technology could play a crucial role in delivering agricultural extension and can bring new information services to rural areas. Precision farming is the result of the direct contribution of agriculture technology for farm productivity. ..
"The business model of the small finance banks is such that they are aimed to serve the small borrowers."Discuss differentiating them from Payment banks.
If we examine the business model of small finance banks and payment banks, we find that the Small Finance Banks model is for local players or niche players. For example, various banking activities such as to Accept Deposits, Issue Debit Cards, Remittance ..
While putting latest budget figures in focus, examine the role of Income Tax in overall revenue mobilization. In the light of these figures, do you agree with the view that time has come to abolish the personal income-tax?
As per Economic survey only around 5.5% of earning Indians pay taxes. Due to this the taxpayers to voters ratio is around 4%, making India a poor performer in tax to GDP ratio which is about 16.6 %, much lower ..