Page-4 of GS-II: Social Justice

What are “minority institutions”? How are they different from other institutions? Discuss in the light of constitutional provisions.

A minority institute may be an institute that has been set up by either a religious or linguistic minority to foster its unique and special features. As per Article 30(1) of Constitution “All minorities, whether based on religion or language, ..

To what extent, the use of technology in welfare initiatives has ensured better service delivery as well as subsidy rationalization? Comment critically.

The food subsidy bill is projected to be around 1.45 lakh crore, however despite that much expenditure the people do not get ration on time. Often there are instances of leakages before the food-grains reach the fair-price shop. Technological solutions ..

Discuss the key problems in India's public health infrastructure establishing their link with India's development challenges.|

While India has done well in raising economic growth & lifting people out of poverty, progress in health outcomes has been rather slow. India faces a higher disease burden than other emerging economies. India still lags behind when it comes ..

How internet and digital inclusion can help to transform the life of tribals in India? Discuss along with giving policy suggestions in this direction.

One of the major challenges in the socio-economic development of the tribes is the fact that they are excluded from mainstream society. Because of this exclusion, a lot of tribes, as well as their unique cultures, are vanishing. As per ..

Critically examine Andhra Pradesh’s initiative to use facial recognition technology for curbing absenteeism in schools as a measure to improve quality of education.

Andhra Pradesh has introduced a face recognition system for teacher’s attendance in schools. Attendance will be recorded twice a day and will be sent to higher officials along with the location of the teachers. The policy has been aimed at ..

Do you agree with the view that the public transport planning in India remains to be gender insensitive? With suitable examples, discuss initiatives undertaken by public transportation authorities in various parts of India keeping gender equity in focus.

With the Nirbhaya rape case still fresh in our minds, the question keeps on arising as to what extent are the Indian public transportation system gender friendly. This was only a major incident that drew our attention to several similar ..

In Indian society, caste biases play a prominent role in work allocation. In this context, critically comment how Prohibition of employment of manual scavengers Act has fared?

In modern Indian society caste based discrimination still exists, it not influences identity, but also influence the access to resources. Caste also plays a dominant role in work allocation, for example, the menial jobs like disposing of dead animals, manual ..

Examine the problems associated with the current fertilizers subsidy regime in India, discuss the need for reforms.

The fertiliser subsidy accounts for the third highest subsidy burden on government expenditure. Issues of current subsidy regime: Economic- High fiscal burden. State administered prices of urea caused one of the highest prices internationally. Regulated distributors, sellers causing inefficiency in ..