Page-12 of GS-I: World Geography
Describe the main characteristics of natural vegetation in Tropical grasslands and show how it is influenced by climate.
Tropical grasslands are known for widespread proliferation of grasses including many C4 plants, short trees and low bushes. Presence of wide range of grasses, and some grasses may grow very high known as Elephant grasses. In-between long grasses are scattered ..
The de-oxygenation of oceans is one of the most detrimental effects of anthropogenic activities, however it is under-reported. Identify the factors behind it and mention its socio-economic and environmental implications.
Ocean de-oxygenation is a phenomenon where more carbon dioxide is dissolved in the ocean water and oxygen availability is reduced. Most detrimental: Loss of marine life. Decline of Coral and phytoplankton. Shifting of isocline (carbonate dissolved line) Phenomenon of winter ..
What are the major regions of sugarcane production in India? Analyze the shift of sugar industry from Northern to Peninsular India in recent times.
Model Answer: Sugarcane is produced in both tropical and subtropical regions in three distinct regions as follows: Sutlej-Ganga plain from Punjab to Bihar containing 51% of the total area and 60% of the country’s total production. The black soil belt ..
Examine the distribution and factors responsible for the pulp & paper textile industry around the World.
Paper and pulp manufacturing are forest-based industries. Pulp is the raw material for paper industry and can be considered half processed paper. The basic raw material for the pulp and paper industry is the wood. Softwood of the temperate forests ..
The cotton textile industry in India has been localized to certain regions. Giving a brief account of its distribution, identify the factors behind it.
The cotton textile industry is one of the traditional industries of India. It is the second largest employer and its contribution to GDP is around 2%. The industry is located in traditional centers and market-based centers. Important centers are Mumbai, ..
Explain the concept of Carbon Compensation Depth. Discuss the implications of rise in this depth due to anthropogenic activities.
Carbon Compensation Depth (CCD) refers to the level of depth of the ocean till where carbon doesn’t dissolve and is present in an adequate amount. Features: It is essential for the survival of marine organisms, whose bodies are made up ..
Discuss the Location and Characteristics of Commercial Grain Farming industry around the world.
Commercial Grain Farming is an extensive agricultural activities whereby crops are grown for commercial purpose. Most commonly commercial grown grains are wheat and maize. It is mostly practiced in temperate grasslands of North America, Europe and Asia. Such areas are ..
Discuss the locational aspects of woolen textile industry around the world.
Since the demand for woolen garments is confined only to the colder parts of the globe, woolen textile industry is much smaller and less widely distributed than the cotton textile industry. Two-thirds of the world’s woolen mill capacity and production ..