Page-4 of GS-I: Indian Society
“The growing population problem calls for a definite population policy and its effective implementation.”Discuss.
At present India is the second most populous country in the world, sustaining 16.7% of the world’s population on 2.4% of the world’s surface area. The population of India in 1951 was 35 crore, but by 2011, it had increased ..
"For a diverse country like India with so much of regional inequality, the concept of competitive federalism seems to be unrealistic."Critically discuss.
India is coupled with varied economic patterns in different states. On one hand are the well off states and on the other are deficit states. Therefore, we cannot treat all states at par. There are certain States which have specialised ..
Discuss the economic and political reasons for the current government to strengthen the rural economy. Throw light on certain steps taken in this regard over last few years.
Analysing the recent elections in Gujarat show that BJP is not the most favoured party of the rural areas. Congress dominated with 62 seats as against BJP’s 43 seats. India is a country with almost 70% rural population. Satisfying the ..
Critically examine the implications of globalization on India's balance of payments and currency exchange rates.
Since the time of liberalization of the economy in 1991 India has played a very major role in the global economy. In these two decades, the economy has become increasingly market oriented and greater foreign exchange and competitiveness. But on ..
Critically discuss the personal laws as a major social constraint in bringing about gender equality in Indian Society.
Though the constitution of India assures equality, the personal laws of nearly all religions in India have discriminated against women and have proved to be a social constraint in bringing about gender equality in Indian Society.The discrimination is more apparent ..
Is regional inequality among Indian states is a cause of individual income inequality or vice versa? Discuss.
In my view, regional inequality among the states and within the states is the major cause of individual income inequality. The differences in per capita incomes are a suitable indicator of imbalances and inequalities rather. The increased regional inequality results ..
Differentiate between de-radicalization, counter -radicalization & anti radicalization.
Radicalization is the process of persuading someone to adopt radical positions. Based on context and circumstances violence due to radicalization may take diverse forms. Based on different stages of life cycle of radicalization and depending on the techniques, tactics and ..
Regional attitude as threat to National Unity
Regionalism is putting regional interests and ideas above national interests. India being a big nation with huge diversity, regionalism is inevitable. Regionalism in acceptable levels produce positive results like growth and development of the region. The recent trends of increasing ..
Distinguish between religiousness / religiosity and communalism giving one example of how the former had got transformed into latter in independent India.
Religiosity is associated with ideology, community, doctrine, beliefs, values, practices, rituals, moral, and cultural dimensions. Communalism is the process of constructing religious or ethnic identity. There is a presence of violence, orthodoxy, aggressive ideology, etc. Transformation: Religiosity has been practiced ..
What challenges have been posed by globalization to the institutions of state viz. legislative, executive, and judicial? Discuss.
The biggest challenges posed by globalization to institutions of state, is the danger of globalization rendering state autonomy and sovereignty redundant. The bulldozing power of MNCs has capability to render the small nation states as economically dependent, politically powerless and ..