Page-3 of GS-I: Indian Society

Critically examine the recent trends in labour force and workforce participation rates of women in India.

Model Answer: Labour force refers to the number of persons usually employed or willing to be employed. Workforce constitutes the actual employed labour force. The recent trend in India’s employment pattern shows that the in overall, the labour force participation rate for ..

Economic empowerment of women is the key to ensure their social empowerment. Discuss in context of India.

Our constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender and strives for equal pay for equal work (DPSPs). This depicts the link between economic and social empowerment. Economic empowerment – Key to ensuring social empowerment: Economic empowerment brings independence in ..

In view of the BCCI recently announcing a ‘pay equity policy’, discuss the challenges faced by women athletes and the possible ways to make professional sports more inclusive.

In a welcome step towards removing discrimination on the basis of gender, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced a “pay equity policy”, according to which the centrally contracted women players will get the same match ..

The diverse nature of India as a multireligious and multi-ethnic society is not immune to the impact of radicalism which has been in her neighbourhood. Discuss along with the strategies to be adopted to counter this environment.

India is a secular nation that embraces multiple religions and ethnicities. Its neighbours, however, house radical elements within their boundaries, and this poses a challenge for India. Pakistan fosters radical Islamic elements within its territory, and the Pakistani branch of ..

Differentiate the relationship between religion and state in India and the world. How has Indian secularism impacted society?

The relationship between religion and the state determines whether the state is secular or non secular. Secularism is the concept that demarcates the separation of state and public matters from religion is a personal affair of citizens. Secularism is necessary ..

To what extent globalisation has influenced the core of cultural diversity in India? Explain.

Globalisation breaks down the barriers and provides for an enhanced contact between the diverse sections of Indian society. Globalisation at one end is upholding the diversity of the country by: Providing for greater awareness and aiding in adopting the mechanisms ..

In light of the recent debate on Hindi vs English, examine the status of vernacular in India. What are some benefits of using vernacular in education?

Linguistic diversity of India poses two different challenges. One being the imposition of Hindi as the primary language across the country. This has met with resistance across different states. And second being the status of vernacular languages. Vernacular language is ..

While elucidating Article 25 and 26, critically examine the Supreme Court judgement on appointment of archakas (priests) in Tamil Nadu Hindu temples.

Article 25 and 26 Article 25 of the Constitution guarantees to every person, and not only to the citizens of India, the “freedom of conscience” and “the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion”. This, however, is subject to ..

Should the Government repeal the Section 377 of IPC? Opine.

India continues to uphold section 377 of the Indian Penal Code dating back to 1860, introduced during the British rule of India, which criminalises sexual activities “against the order of nature”,  which also includes homosexual acts. It is a colonial law made ..

Apart from a few notable individual achievements, the overall participation of women in scientific research has been very low. Examine the steps taken by the government in this regard.

Women workforce in the field of scientific research (STEM) is around 23% in India, which is very low as compared to world standards. Except some examples in different fields, like the women’s team of ISRO in the Mangalyaan mission, achievements ..