Page-14 of GS-I: Indian Society
Highlight the factors behind fast-paced rural to urban migration and discuss the challenges arising out of it, mainly for the economically weaker sections. Also suggest measures to address this issue.
According to Census 2011, 31.4% of population resides in urban areas. Further 307 million are registered as migrants in the census, predominantly rural to urban migration. Reasons: Agricultural distress in rural areas. More educational opportunities in cities. Lack of economic ..
Discuss how the taboos and myths surrounding menstruation in India have been detrimental for women in many aspects of socio-cultural life. Suggest measures to combat them.
Menstruation is a part of life for girls and women aged approximately between 15 to 50 years. Due to regressive cultural practices, it has contributed to exclusion of women in many ways: Restrictions on mobility as women are sometimes forcibly ..
Both Caste and Race are manifestations of a closed system of stratification, but there are important differences between the two. Explain.
The Caste refers to lineage system of kin which is mostly identified through their work. Race is associated with place of origin and belongingness. e.g. White, African, Indian, etc. These systems emerged in ancient times on the basis of idea ..
Throw some light on the concept of gender budgeting and mention reasons behind its poor status in India. Also, suggest measures to address these issues.
Gender Budgeting as a concept, was introduced in India in 2005, to incorporate three dimensions of gender in budgeting. Gender based allocations. Allocations to gender in lumpsum allowances. Women-centric schemes and programmes. Issues plaguing gender budgeting: No data on gender ..
The 103rd constitutional amendment act has been hailed as an important step towards meeting the objectives of social justice in India. Critically examine its relevance.
Equality is the cornerstone and basic feature of the constitution of India. Article 14 of the constitution embodies both formal and substantive equality. According to article 14, every person is equal before the law and discrimination solely on the ground ..
What are Peri-urban areas? Highlight the problems of Peri-urban areas in India and also suggest corrective measures.
Peri-urban areas refer to the area near by a urban town, which is in fast developing stage, or has developed due to agglomeration economy. Problems of Peri urban areas: Automatic expansion leads to bad management of town. Dumping ground of ..
Recent reports and National Family health Surveys have signaled a monumental shift in Indian demographics. Highlighting this shift, Discuss the challenges that it will pose. Also, suggest remedial measures.
Recently released NFHS-5 report indicated a monumental shift in Indian demographics. Population stabilization and TFR of below 2.0 achieved. Share of young people in India’s demography has started to decline. Even UNDESA highlighted that India is soon going to witness ..
Comment on the significance of the Government’s decision to review the application of creamy layer principle on Scheduled Castes and Tribes in government jobs.
The Government has asked the Supreme Court of India to review the provisions of creamy layer concept applicable to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes while giving them reservation in promotions. The Central Government has asked the CJI to refer the ..
Looking at all poverty from the rural perspective and applying rural solutions to urban conditions will not yield results. Discuss the statement in context of differences between urban and rural poverty in India.
As per UNDP, about 21% people in India live below Poverty Line. Within this, approximately 80% of poor live in rural areas, rest in urban areas. Differences between urban & rural poverty in India: Major cause: Rural – non remunerative ..
The Discussion of Women’s reservation should occupy the mainstream to challenge patriarchy and deal with the society. Comment.
The year 2019 saw the highest number of women MPs in Lok Sabha, which is a mere 14%. It is below the already low global average of 24%. The Inter-Parliamentary Union Report shows that India fares poorer than countries like ..