Page-12 of GS-I: Indian Society
Explain the key highlights of the SDG Gender Index. What are the implications of the findings for India?
SDG Gender Index was recently published by Equal Measures 2030.It includes The African Women�s Development and Communication Network, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, International Women�s Health Coalition and Plan International. Key Highlights: The SDG Gender Index includes 51 indicators The ..
What can France learn from the Indian Constitution’s approach to secularism?
Secularism refers to separation of religion from political, economic, social and cultural aspects of life. Religion will be treated as a purely personal matter. Secularism stands for equal opportunities for followers of all religions, and no discrimination and partiality on ..
Why do you think is there any opposition to Hindi teaching which had been crystallized into a policy into an official document in 1968?
The draft of the New Education Policy 2019 states that teaching of Hindi will be made compulsory in states where it is not spoken. This was a part of the three-language formula of the Central government. The latter was vehemently ..
In this moment when democracy is threatened by majoritarianism, readers can play a more pluralistic role. Comment.
Citizenship in today�s world is spread across four different types of role-playing and involvement. The first two are the voter and the consumer which are very advertised. They bring together different times and roles. The other two roles are of ..
Examine the New Education Policy language debate: how can India equitably balance nationalism, federalism and linguistic pluralism?
India’s diversity of languages is one of its defining features as a nation. With 22 officially recognized languages and hundreds more spoken across states, language acts both as an expression of regional identity as well as a unifying force. However, ..
The caste system in India has went through many changes and is still persisting by adapting itself to changing socio-economic and political conditions. Comment.
Caste is a hierarchical institutional arrangement and a hereditary, endogamous occupational group. It is a unique social institution of Indian subcontinent. The traditional caste system was based on the concept of purity and pollution, but its manifestations have changed by ..
Explaining the concept of secularism, discuss how Indian secularism differs from the West.
Secularism is the concept that demarcates the separation of state and public matters from religion is a personal affair of citizens. Western model of secularism and religion: Rigid state-religion separation. No scope of state led to religious reform. Addresses only ..
How do you think the reforms in public transport in India effect women?
A recent decision by the Delhi government to make public transport absolutely free for women. The decision has led to many debates which show the ways in which women access public transport and the hurdles they face. As per the ..
India as a democracy needs democratically functioning political parties to deepen the democratic setup at grassroot level. Comment.
While India has a vibrant democracy at parliamentary level, intra-party democracy is not prevalent in India. Political parties – integral part: Give voice to all sections of society. Ensure accountability of the government. Enables ideologically inclined individuals to participate in ..
Though the situation of women has improved considerably in present India, still various forms of violence against India is still persisting. Discuss the ways to handle this issue effectively.
According to NCRB data, crimes against women are increasing, According to the reports, the pandemic induced lockdown further fuelled violence against women. Various forms of violence: Female foeticide (missing girls). Dowry related violence. Harassment by husbands, after getting drunk. Sexual ..