Page-10 of GS-I: Indian Society
The menace of child marriage still persists in India despite various initiatives taken by the government. Examine the reasons and its impact. Also, suggest remedial measures.
India remains home to 1/3 of global child bride. That child marriage is practised in India especially in few dense pockets in states of Rajasthan, UP, Bihar. Reasons of existing child marriage: Patriarchal society, feudal mindset. Social diktats, which make ..
Delineate the relationship between social mobility and equality. Highlight the impediments in ensuring it.
Social mobility refers to the ability of people to improve their social status assigned to them at birth through their conduct and achievements in life. E.g. A poor man lifting his social status by clearing UPSC exam and becoming an ..
India faces a paradox of being one of the largest producers of agricultural products on one hand and performing poorly in hunger index on the other hand. Discuss, also suggest ways to address this issue.
Hunger is the distress that arises from insufficient calorie intake. The Paradox: After Independence, India was still a net importer of grains, as our agriculture sector was not developed. We were dependent on PL480 contract with USA where ships filled ..
What are the findings of the economic outlook update on the Urbanisation trends?
The economic outlook update released by the Asian Development Bank highlights the following trends in urbanization based on the World Urbanization Prospects data. Trends in Urbanisation The number of the urban population in developing Asia has increased almost five-fold since 1970. ..
Discuss the role of wage employment in poverty alleviation and how is MGNREGA different from it.
The Indian state is a welfare state as enjoined in the Directive Principles of State Policy. Thus, it is the duty of state to alleviate poverty, which stands at 21% as per Suresh Tendulkar committee report. While Universal Basic Income ..
Why the town of Sultanpur Lodhi has attained a prominent place in the Sikh Religion?
Sultanpur Lodhi which is a sleepy town in Punjab’s Kapurthala district is at the centre stage of the 550th birth anniversary celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev, founder of the Sikh religion. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be attending the main ..
India produces more than it needs still performs poorly in Global Hunger Index. Discuss the reasons behind this paradox and measures to curb this problem.
Global Hunger Index 2021 has ranked India 101 out of 116 countries revealing an acute case of hunger. The problem of hunger does not lie in food production as: India’s wheat and rice production is consistently increasing for the last ..
Discuss the impacts of globalization on the location of IT industry.
The Globalization means increased interdependence and interactions due to flow of goods, services, persons, capital, and ideas across the borders. This gave rise to the development of IT industry in India, which is a foot loose industry. Globalization’s impact on ..
The immediate and primary priority of Indian government is to target central aid for the poor. They must be included as change agents in the roadmap for clean energy. Explain.
The Indian government has recently committed to an uninterrupted power supply due to the use of renewable energy sources. The immediate priority for India should be the provision of better central aid for the poor. The growth should be based ..
The shocking incident of rape and murder of a veterinary doctor in Hyderabad speaks volumes of the lack of stringent laws dealing with sexual assault. Discuss the measures to combat violence against women.
The depraved acts of sexual violence against women in our country show no signs of ceasing. There is an urgent need for stricter laws, a time-frame and the strictest punishment to be meted out to rapists and murderers. It is ..