Page-9 of GS-I: Indian Culture
Upanishadas are often called Vedanta. Why?
The main motto of the Upanishads is “Knowledge Awards Salvation”. Upanishads are called Vedanta (the end of the Veda) firstly, because they denote the last phase of the Vedic period and secondly, because they reveal the final aim of the ..
Critically analyze how the Bhava-Rasa theory, as expounded by Abhinavagupta, has shaped the understanding and appreciation of Indian art.
The Bhava-Rasa theory is a fundamental concept in Indian art, particularly in the fields of classical Indian dance, music, and drama. It explores the emotional and aesthetic experiences evoked in the audience through the portrayal of different emotions by the ..
Differentiate between the Purva and Agama texts of Jainism.
The canonical literature of Jainism is claimed to have started from Adinatha, the first tirthankara. It is said that these teachings were forgotten and revived by the Tirthankaras from time to time. The teachings of the Tirthankaras before Mahavir are ..
In context of the diversity of India, can it be said that regions form cultural units rather than the States? Give reasons with examples for your view point.
Each and every community has a different set of cultures from the aspect of language, attire, foods, lifestyle, behavior, music, etc. India is well known for its unity and diversity. History: In the post-independence time, demand for different states was ..
The panorama of Indian painting is enriched with a large number Rock-paintings found in Central India. Discuss what information do we get about the art of the Late Stone Age people from the rock paintings of that area?
Rock shelters are numerous in Central India, particularly in the Vindhyan sandstone region, which lends itself to their formation. A fair proportion of them are decorated with drawings upon the walls and ceilings. Colours include purple, red, and light orange-brown. ..
The Jatakas furnish us valuable material not only for literature and art, but also for the study of economic condition of ancient India. Critically discuss with suitable examples.
The Jataka are based on the premise that before his birth as Gautama, Buddha passed over 550 births in both human and animal forms. Jatakas were possibly compiled in the second and third centuries (A.D.) by the Mahayana and the ..
With reference to women, despite being one of the earliest and most authoritative law texts, there are several contradicting verses in manusmriti. Discuss the stand of Manu giving your arguments.
Contrary to the common belief that Manusmriti is anti-women, it holds women in high esteem. According to it, the land where women are honoured becomes the favourite abode of gods. There is one shloka which mentions “Na stree svaatantryam arhati”, ..
Discuss the contribution of Baba Farid and Bulleshah in the development of Vernacular literature in India.
Baba Farid’s most important contributions to Punjabi literature was his development of the language for literary purposes. Whereas Sanskrit, Arabic, Turkish and Persian had historically been considered the languages of the learned and the elite, and used in monastic centres, ..