Page-6 of GS-I: Indian Culture

What do you understand by Jatakas? How do the Jatakas relate to Buddhism?

The Jātaka tales are a voluminous body of literature native to India concerning the previous births of Gautama Buddha. These are the stories that tell about the previous lives of the Buddha, in both human and animal form. Jataka tales ..

Examine the Kissa tradition in Punjabi liteature.

Waris Shah was one of the pioneers of the Qissa/Kissa (story) tradition of the Punjabi folk literature. Heer Ranjha and Sohni Mahiwal Punjabi Sufi poetry also influenced other Punjabi literary traditions particularly the Punjabi Qissa, a genre of romantic tragedy ..

Critically examine the main features of Badami cave paintings?

The Badami cave is popularly known as the Vishnu Cave. Only a fragment of the painting has survived on the vaulted roof of the front mandapa. Paintings in this cave depict palace scenes. One shows Kirtivarman, the son of Pulakesin ..

Indian Diaspora has an important role to play in South East Asian countries' economy and society. Appraise the role of Indian Diaspora in South-East Asia in this context.

India has been very close to the South East Asian region right from the time of Cholas. There have been evidences of historical cultural, economic and trade linkages between the regions. There are lot of Indians in the South East ..

Examine the contribution of Bhartendu in the proliferation of Hindi Literature.

Bharatendu Harishchandra was a great writer that he is known as father of modern Hindi literature as well as Hindi theatre. His pen name was “Rasa”. Government of India confers the Bharatendu Harishchandra Awards since 1983 to promote original writings ..

Aranyakas don't lay much emphasis on rites, ritual and sacrifices but have philosophy and mysticism. Examine the statement focussing on key content of the Aranyakas.

The Aranyakas were written in Forests and are concluding parts of the Brahmans. Aranyakas don’t lay much emphasis on rites, ritual and sacrifices but have philosophy and mysticism. This is because aranyakas were written mainly for the hermits and students ..

How do the rock paintings of North Karnataka and Andhra differ from those of Western Central India? Discuss.

The granite rocks of north Karnataka and Andhra provide suitable protected surfaces for rock-art at sites as Kupgan, Maski, Piklihal, etc. Most of this can be attributed on account of its content to the Neolithic people who settled on these ..

What do you understand by Abhinaya? What are different kinds of Abhinaya?

Abhinaya is the representational aspect of dance where a text or poem is interpreted by the dancer to evoke “rasa” in the spectators. It deals with the sentiment and emotions of the song, using the technique of the dance style. ..