Page-5 of GS-I: Indian Culture

"No one can deny the role played by ICHR in the historical research however, in recent times, it has been making news for wrong as well as right reasons."Throw Light.

Hint: The ICHR brings put a journal “Indian Historical Review” biannually, which features in Thomson Reuters list. ICHR started making rounds in Mainstream media due to abolition of its advisory panel for its journal after the council was reconstituted. Actual ..

Describe critically the architecture and sculpture of the Dasavatara temple at Deogarh.

A transition to a new style had begun towards the end of the Gupta period in around 500 A.D. and it can be seen in the Dasavatara temple at Deogarh, which had originally a sikhara of about 40 feet. Its ..

What changes were brought in by the Sungas in the Maurya sculpture? Discuss.

Shunga period marked the beginning of sculptural idiom in the Indian sculpture wherein the physical forms were becoming more realistic, refined and expressive. The sculptors started mastering the art especially of the human body wherein it was carved in high ..

Critically examine the importance of the Dhamekh Stupa at Sarnath as a representative of the Buddhist Stupas?

Dhamekh Stupa at Sarnath is one of the prominent Buddhist structures in India. Dhamekh Stupa was constructed by the great Mauryan king, Ashoka. The Dhamekh Stupa is cylindrical in shape and about 34 m high and 28.3 m in diameter. ..

While elucidating their evolution in the Indian moral thinking, critically discuss the concepts of Rta and Dharma.

During the early periods of Vedic era, the term Rta or Rtam was used to designate the cosmic moral principle according to which all things in universe operate. Thus, Rta is a principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates ..

Analyse the contribution of Rabindranath Tagore to both Indian literature and arts. To what extent, his works bridged the gap between traditional and modern forms? Discuss.

Rabindranath Tagore made profound contributions to Indian literature and arts, influencing both domains. His literary oeuvre, primarily written in Bengali, spans a variety of genres including poetry, novels, short stories, and plays. Tagore’s work in arts extends to music and ..

What is the ideology of the Sufi and Bhakti traditions? How can they be used as instruments to fight communalism?

Sufi and Bhakti movements emphasized on the devotion rather than rituals and worldly materials. They aimed to build a relationship with the god. Both Sufism and Bhakti movements have a similar ideologies like They emphasise on mysticism and attach no ..

Discuss the historical context in which Abanindranath Tagore painted "Bharatmata". Analyze the impact of this painting on Swadeshi Movement.

Abanindranath Tagore portrayed Bhārat Mātā as a four-armed Hindu goddess wearing saffron-colored robes, holding a book, sheaves of rice, a mala, and a white cloth. The image of Bharatmata was an icon to create nationalist feeling in Indians during the ..