Page-15 of GS-I: Indian Culture

Five classical dances of India are considered to be the mystic manifestation of the metaphysical elements of nature. Elaborate.

The five classical dances of India are considered to be the mystic manifestation of the metaphysical elements of nature (Panchatatva) in the human body. These include Odissi (element of water), Kuchipudi (element of earth), Mohiniattam (element of air), Bharatnatyam (element ..

"Kathakali is a distinct combination of Natya, Nritta and Nritya."Discuss.

Natya means drama, Nritta means ‘abstract dance’ and Nritya means ‘interpretative dance.’ Katahakali is a story-play. It involves elaborate dance depicting the stories of the victory of truth over falsehood. For such presentation, one of the features of Kathakali is ..

What is social, cultural, religious and economic relevance of Mithun? Discuss the economics of animal rearing in context with Mithun in several parts of India.

Mithun is an important bovine animal which is also known as “cattle of the mountains”. It is endemic to the hilly regions of North East India and also found in few areas of China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan. Mithun has ..

Mughal style of paintings presents beautiful synthesis of indigenous Indian style of painting and the Safavid school of Persian painting. Examine the key features of this school of paintings.

Origin of Mughal School is a landmark in history of Indian paintings. The school originated in thereign of Akbar. The origin of Mughal style is was a result of synthesis of indigenous Indian style ofpainting and the Safavid school of ..

Discuss the Importance of Chhatri in Mughal Architecture.

Chhatri is an architectural decoration that developed and became quite popular in Indo-Islamic architecture, particularly under the Mughals. It is a small turret with stone columns, principally four, supporting a dome with Chajja under the dome. Chhatris are commonly used ..

Discuss the development of drama through various phases in India while highlighting the contribution of folk theatre to Indian culture.

India is a land of rich culture and heritage. Since the beginning of our civilization, music, dance and drama have been an integral aspect of our culture. Initially, these art forms were used as medium of propagation for religion and ..

Discuss the chief trends in medieval sculpture which distinguish it from the classical sculpture.

Towards the end of the seventh and beginning of the eight century A.D. the regional spirit gradually asserts itself. The classical tradition of an all-India art lingers for one or two centuries, but the regional spirit gets the better of ..

To what extent has the urban planning and culture of the Indus Valley Civilization provided inputs to the present day urbanization?

The Indus Valley Civilization displayed remarkable planning in its urban towns, especially in the area of sanitation and drainage. To a great extent, it has provided inputs to the present day urbanization. One of the major challenges of urban planning, ..