With suitable examples, discuss how Ethics and Morality are related but distinct concepts.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that examines moral principles and behaviour. It is concerned with determining what is right and wrong, good and bad in human conduct. Ethics is a systematic study of moral principles, which are often defined by a particular culture, religion, or philosophical tradition. The word “ethics” comes from the Greek word “ethos,” which refers to the character or customs of a particular social group.

Morality, on the other hand, refers to the actual principles and values that govern the behaviour of individuals and society. It is the set of beliefs and principles that people use to guide their actions and decisions. The word “morality” comes from the Latin word “mores,” which refers to the customs and traditions of a particular society.

For example, in Western societies, the principle of autonomy is often considered a fundamental moral principle, and it forms the basis for many ethical theories and codes. However, in some traditional societies, the principle of autonomy may not be as highly valued and the principle of community or family may be considered more important. In this case, the principle of autonomy would be considered as ethical principle but not as a moral principle because it is not widely accepted and practiced in that particular society.

Thus, Ethics and morality are related but distinct concepts. Ethics is a systematic study of moral principles, while morality refers to the actual principles and values that govern the behavior of individuals and society. Ethics is often defined by a particular culture, religion, or philosophical tradition, while morality is based on the customs and traditions of a particular society.

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