Why in your opinion does India need to shape its domestic consensus in the growing unpredictable global environment and along with other resource constraints?

The world looks much more disordered than it was five years ago. The rising unpredictability in US under Trump Presidency, the on-going trade war between US and China, Brexit troubles and EU�s own pre-occupations, the turmoil in Middle-East and even the dilution of agreements on US-Russia Arms Control, mounting tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the problem of North Korea, Chinese South-China Sea dominance, etc. all add to the complexities facing Indian Foreign Policy.
The new Modi government has opened its foreign policy with a neighbourhood focus especially on the BIMSTEC nations as SAARC became impossible due to presence of Pakistan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The changing global conditions have also changed the dynamics of engagement with our neighbours. There is a critical need for deft political management. In the pre-globalised world it was much easier for India to exert its influence in the region by its natural weight. But, with the latest assertive avatar of China, realities have changed. There is an increased need for employing a multi-faceted approach and generosity. Even the relations with various regional organisations have to be in line with bilateralism as our core strength lies in our bilateral relations with these nations. China will continue to remain as a major challenge. Another pressing foreign policy issue is the termination of sanctions waiver by US and the withdrawal of the Generalised System of Preferences. Latter has had a severe hit on almost 12% Indian exports. Also, the threat of sanctions under CAATSA cannot be ignored if India proceeds with the defence deal of S-400 air and missile defence systems from Russia.
Indo-US relationship trajectory will be an important event which will be closely monitored both in Beijing and Moscow.

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