While on one hand the Indian society is mimicking the west, on the other there are attempts to revive the conservative traditional outlook. Comment.

The liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation reforms of 1991 led to a massive change in the Indian economy. Indian society was also affected and become more modern and inspirational.

Aspiration to mimic west:

  • Great emphasis is placed on English proficiency. There is a threat to vernacular languages.
  • Brain drain – Indian truth or attracted by economic opportunities in USA and Europe.
  • Food – rise of fast food culture among urban Indians, Fusion of Indian and Western cuisines.
  • Festivals – Increasing popularity of secular festivals like Valentine day, Mother’s Day, New year among youth.
  • Marriage – Nowadays pre-wedding photo shoots, post-wedding receptions in western attire are common.

At the same time, conservative outlook is also being revived:

  • Emphasis on safeguarding traditional Indian identity. Several institutions of national importance have introduced ethnic wear for convocations.
  • Rigidity of marriage and relationships.
  • Someone regular languages are being revived, e.g. Sanskrit, as reflected by the new education policy.

While modernisation is desirable for a society, unique culture should not be lost. Also there is a need to differentiate modernisation from westernisation. It is necessary to strike a balance between these aspects.

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