What problems of the Weimar Republic contributed to the rise of fascism in Germany? How did Hitler succeed in becoming führer of Germany? Describe the developments which took place in Germany as Hitler transformed it into a Nazi nation?

Rise of Fascism in Germany is different from the rise of Fascism in other European nations. One of the reasons for the rise of Fascism in Germany is the problems of the Weimar republic. Those problems were as follows:

  • Ever since the founding of Weimar republic, it failed in both domestic and foreign affairs
  • Weimar republic was not respected nor trusted by the German people
  • The Weimer Republic was forced to take full responsibility of First World War in treaty of Versailles against the will of Germans.

Some of the reasons for rise of Hitler were as follows:

  • Humiliation caused by Versailles treaty creates anger in Germans
  • Hyperinflation due to enormous war repatriations
  • Hitler exploited the Germans fear of communism
  • Great depression which occurred in 1929

Hitler was an able leader. He was able to convince Germans that he was a man of action and of ideals. The Nazi program promised everything to everybody. For land owners and industrialists Hitler promised to be a bulwark against communism. To the middles class he promised to abolish the treaty of Versailles and relieve them of the burden of the repatriation of payments. To the workers he promised economic and social reforms. Over all it was a mix of socio, economic and historic factors that led to rise of Hitler.
After getting power, Hiteler wanted to control the social life of the German people.
The basic driving force behind Nazi ideology was superiority of German Race which results assaulting of Jews.  Under the slogan of “One people, one empire and one leader” Once Germany became a Nazi state, it further occupied German speaking areas of Czechoslovakia. Withdrew from  League of nations and drew the world closer to second world war.

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