What is UNSC? What will be the impact if India get a permanent membership to the UNSC?

The United Nations Security Council is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations . It aims to maintain international peace and security. It establishes peacekeeping operations and authorizes military action through Security Council resolutions. It is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states.
The Security Council consists of fifteen members. Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, and the United States are its five permanent members. It also has�10 non-permanent members. India should be given a permanent membership to the UNSC because of the following reasons:

  • India had been a�member of G 20
  • IAEA and NSG sanctified India as a responsible member of the nuclear community
  • Indian cooperation can be used to counter IS by �soft power��instead of bullets and bombs
  • India can help to tackle Refugee crisis more efficiently
  • India is a growing economic power and it has been participating in UN peacekeeping operation form years

Impacts of Permanent Membership:

  • It will improve India�s global stature
  • It will help India reach at comparable level with its rival China
  • It will secure its neighbourhood from future combined interventions, if any
  • The move will bring equality of treatment and be the natural leader of developing countries in Security Council

As of now China and Pakistan are opposing India�s claim of permanent membership. The structure of UNSC is very complex. For India to be permanent member, it needs the�nod off 2/3rd of the general members with the support of P5 which requires an amendment to the UN charter act.

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