What is Sustainable Development? Explain the features and strategies of sustainable development.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus; it takes into account both the present and future generations without over exploitation of natural resources and environmental degradation.
Features of Sustainable Development:
Sustained Rise in Real per Capita Income
There should be a sustained rise in real per capita income and economic welfare on long term basis.
Rational Use of Natural Resources
Sustainable development simply means that natural resources should be rationally used in a manner such that they are not over exploited.
Preserving the natural resources for future generations
Sustainable development aims at making use of natural resources and environment for raising the existing standard of living in such a way as not to reduce ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.
Strategies for Sustainable Development
Efficient Technology: Use of production technologies which are input efficient. It means more is produced per unit of input.
Use of Environment-friendly Sources of Energy: promotion of wind energy, solar energy and other environment friendly sources of energy in place of fossil fuels.
Promotion of Organic Farming: Adaption of chemical free agriculture.
Recycling of the Wastes
Stringent Laws on the Disposal of Chemical Effluents
Creation of awareness to conserve natural assets for inter-generational equity
Public Means of Transport: Public means of transport are to be rapid, comfortable and economical.

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