What do you understand by being "inherently good"and "inherently bad"? Do you believe that all human beings are either inherently good or bad? Give arguments to support your view.

Good and bad are binary opposites. Inherently is defined as something that is built-in or a part of the makeup of a person or thing.
Inherently good refers to goodness being inherent in the individual across time and space irrespective of the circumstances. Similarly inherently bad refers to badness being inherent in the individual across time and space irrespective of the circumstances.
It is difficult to demarcate the behaviour of the individuals under the absolute ideals of good and bad across time and space. Hence it is difficult to categorise individuals as inherently good or bad. But with some minor exceptions people like Gandhiji and Mandela can be put under the category of inherently good and Hitler under the category of inherently bad.
But the clear demarcation as inherently good or bad is not a practical idea because it is difficult to put the things as white and black when the reality is in grey. There are no absolute values which can demarcate the things as absolute good and absolute bad. Hence the clear distinction of things as absolute good and absolute bad seems an unrealistic phenomenon.
As the theory of consequentialism propounds there are no absolutes and the things can be evaluated only under the shadow of results, it would be a daunting task to put a clear demarcation as inherently good and inherently bad.

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