What are your views about the recent figures released by the UNICEF on the prevalence of the malice of child marriage?

The recent figures released by UNICEF on child marriage state that as many as 115 million men and boys had got married as children. Of these 23 million were married before they had attained the age of 15. The data which had been compiled from 82 countries showed that the child marriage among boys is present across a whole range of countries in Sahara, the Caribbean and Latin America, South Asia, East Asia and also the Pacific. It is no hidden fact that the child marriages often take on childhood as the grooms are made to take on responsibilities for which they are not mentally or physically prepared especially like the burden of fatherhood and providing for the family. The statistics for girls are also equally bad. Mostly children from economically weaker sections and the ones from rural backgrounds are worst affected. Illiteracy is also another major reason for the prevalence of evil. This can be brought under control by research and empowerment.

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