What are the so called Suryaputra / Sunshine countries? To what extent, the recently mootedInternational Solar Alliance can help to achieve affordable solar energy to all and towards global effort to fight climate change? Discuss citing its key objectives.

“Surya Putra”/“Sunshine countries” was coined Shri Narendra Modi at global climate talks in Paris. The countries or nations which fall between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn are referred to by this term. The union of countries with abundant sunlight has been invited by PM Narendra Modi to make collaborative efforts to harness solar energy to generate the electricity.
There are three objectives behind the International Solar Alliance. Firstly, to force down prices by driving demand; secondly,to bring standardization in solar technologies and thirdly, to foster research and development.
The Alliance can boost the energy security not only in India but also in other countries. ISA is a pragmatic and interesting initiative by India towards bringing affordable solar energy to all and towards global effort to fight climate change. It could defend people against ravages of climate change while giving them safe and clean energy. Also this alliance has diplomatic importance. It fosters South-South Cooperation. If successful, it can be extended to other forms of renewable energy also, such as wind or biogas.

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