What are the expectations of India from COP-24?

The 24th meeting of Conference of Parties (COP-24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is being held at Katowice, Poland from 2nd December 2018 to 14th December 2018.

Expectations for India from COP-24:

COP-24 is eagerly watched as it is expected to finalize guidelines for implementation of the Paris Agreement adopted in 2016. The expectations for India from COP-24 are:

  • India expects that COP-24 would succeed in framing guidelines which are pragmatic and gives due consideration to challenges and priorities of developing countries inter alia different starting points as compared to developed countries, their vulnerabilities, development priorities like eradication of poverty, food security, energy access, providing health infrastructure etc.
  • In COP-24 India would emphasize its concern for climate change and reaffirm its commitments to finalization of the Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP).
  • India would advocate for Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC), in the light of different national circumstances, are operationalized in all elements of the PAWP.
  • India would also strive to ensure that no undue burden is shifted onto developing countries in the post-2020 period and the issue of pre-2020 commitments under Kyoto Protocol, particularly higher mitigation action of developed countries and the need for developed countries to fulfill their climate finance commitments of mobilizing USD 100 billion per annum by 2020 are given due attention.

India is looking forward to a rich exchange of views during the high-level Talanoa dialogue at COP-24, with consideration of pre-2020 actions and support as a crucial element, and its successful conclusion in 2018 as per the agreed modalities.

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