What are the Conflict Minerals? Do you think there is a foolproof mechanism to identify the conflict minerals? Discuss in the light of available framework around the same.

Conflict Minerals is used to describe the minerals such as Gold, Wolframite, Casserite, Columbite-tantalite and their derivative metals such as tin, tungsten, tantalum etc. which are sourced from mines under the control of militants or armed groups in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or the surrounding countries.

Various governmental organizations such as US Government Accountability Office, OECD etc. and industry associations such as Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), Global e- Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) have been working to raise awareness about the conflict minerals.

To provide legal force, the United States had put a section in its Dodd–Frank Act, 2010 to make companies mandatorily disclose the source of minerals. The government out there is giving more attention to the material supply chain originating from Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjacent countries.

There cannot be a sure shot foolproof mechanism to know about conflict minerals. However, efforts like the US government can be initiated wherein the mineral supply chain can be gauged and exact origin of the source of the mineral can be known.

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