What are the components assessed in the Qs India University rankings? Discuss the standings of Indian Universities in the 2020 Rankings.

The 2020 QS Indian University Rankings have been released. The rankings are the second edition of the standalone rankings for India’s higher education institutions and include public, private, higher education or deemed universities.

Standing of Various Institutions

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) have dominate the list, with seven IITs figuring in the top ten rankings.

Indicators for Ranking

The rankings are based on the scores from eight indicators which include:

  • Academic reputation (weight of 30%),
  • Employer reputation (20%),
  • Faculty-student ratio (20%),
  • The proportion of staff with a PhD (10%),
  • Papers per faculty from Scopus database (10%),
  • Citations per paper from Scopus database (5%),
  • The proportion of international students (2.5%), and
  • Proportion of international faculty (2.5%).

These India University rankings do not necessarily match the QS World University Rankings. Both use different criteria. For example, while academic reputation is given a weight of 30% in the India University Rankings, its weight is 40% in the World Rankings.

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