"Topographic constraints, distribution pattern, technical limitation, and poor management do not allow India to harness its water resources efficiently." Discuss.

Topographic constraints, distribution pattern, technical limitation, and poor management are the key factors which inhibit India for using her water resources efficiently. 

  • Topographic Constraints- The topography plays a major role in determining the catchment hydrology, storage, flow path distance and flow path gradient.
  • Distribution Pattern- When rivers are seasonal in nature, it becomes difficult to depend on the seasonality as it would result in shortage of water at certain point of time. Besides that, areas such as semi-arid and arid also face limited distribution of water resources. Groundwater resources and hand-pumps become the only source of availing water.
  • Technical Limitations- Aquifers, hand-pumps, canal, tanks, etc. are not adequately placed in places which face water constraint. Thereby, arises the problem of using water resources efficiently. Therefore, technologies such as drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation must be used efficiently and adequately to make the best use of available resources.
  • Poor Management- Human Resources is the key to any success. There is inadequate knowledge with respect to managing the limited water resources in an efficient manner. This leads to unnecessary wastage of water where there is already shortage of water.

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