To what extent did the lives of ordinary people in the USSR improve or worsen as a result of Stalin’s policies during the period 1928 to 1941?

Joseph Stalin was a revolutionary and Soviet politician. He ruled the Soviet Union from 1920 to 1953. He formalized the idea of the Leninist interpretation of Marxism and made his own policies known as Stalinism.

Stalinist policies and impacts

During his tenure, Stalin introduced so many policies.

  • He asked the state to become powerful to defeat the counter-revolutionary elements that will attempt to cease the transition to full communism.
  • A violent campaign against the kulak was initiated to suppress their reactionary violence against the people.
  • His deportation policy severely affected the ethnic map of the Soviet Union. Many people were deported without any prior information and did not have the opportunity to represent them.
  • The incident of great terror was led by Joseph Stalin to terminate unwanted Communist Party members who may create a threat. The Great Purge took place between about 1936 and 1938. Many people were executed during the period. Other people were forced into labor and the incident created a severe terror situation in the U.S.S.R.
  • His two types of economic policies i.e. Collectivisation and Industrialisation forced millions of peasants to give up their lands for the industry.


The cruelty of Stalin’s dictatorship fractured the spirit of the people. The state became the main fulcrum of the people. Some experts believe the barbaric feature of his reign helped the Soviet Union to have a great shape.

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