To what extent did Hitler bring about a political, economic and social revolution in Nazi Germany in the years 1933 to 1939?

With the introduction of the policy of forcible co-ordination (Gleichschaltung), German republic state was transformed into a totalitarian and fascist state.

  • All political parties were banned and hence Germany became a one party state like the USSR and Italy. The separate state parliaments still existed but they lost all their powers. All provincial, state and municipal elections were discontinued. The trade unions were abolished instead the German Labor Front was established to which all workers were to belong.
  • The education system was strictly controlled. This was done particularly to indoctrinate young German children to Nazi ideology. Teachers and professors were closely watched and were not allowed to express their opinions which were not in line with party ideology.
  • The organizations like Hitler’s Youth and the League of German Maidens were established which all the boys and girls had to join respectively at the age of fourteen.
  • Looking at the declining birth rate, all family planning centers were closed. Following the ideology of racial purity, Germans women were encouraged to give birth to more babies. And on the other, hand the citizens of non-Aryan race (Jews and gypsies) and mentally and physically challenged were discouraged to have children.
  • Minister of propaganda controlled all sort of communication and media.
  • A four-year plan was introduced in 1936. Its main aim was to make Germany self-sufficient in almost all aspects like military equipment, agricultural products etc. Economic life the country was state directed.
  • Religion was brought under state control. This was done to prevent possible opposition to the government.

In the end, we Can say that Germany was reduced to the status of the police state. Every aspect of the individual life was explicitly or implicitly was controlled by the state.

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