"Though the Mizo Accord has been most successful agreement with insurgents in India yet the Hmar insurgency finds its roots in the same accord. Who are Hmars and why they are restive?"Discuss.

The Hmars are a group of tribal people living in three states of North East India-Assam, Manipur and Mizoram. Although the Hmar identity is strong enough, the Mizos in general consider them as a part of their broader community or at least as one of tribes that make up the Zohnahthlak, a loose grouping of tribes with largely similar customs, dialects and dress who live in Mizoram or its immediate neighborhood.
The Hmar insurgency has its roots in the historic Mizo Accord of 1986 which brought an end to the two decades of insurgency led by the Mizo National Front (MNF). But this accord did not grant the Hmar tribe administrative autonomy. As a result, some Hmar leaders formed the Hmar Peoples Convention (HPC) and began a struggle for autonomy.
By 1994, the Mizo government set up the Sinlung Hills Development Council for Hmar-inhabited areas and though the HPC joined the political mainstream, yet an offshoot, the Hmar Peoples Convention Democrats (HPCD) emerged almost immediately and pressed on with the old demands.
The HPCD’s demand is a separate tribal autonomous district called ‘Hmar Ram’.
Therefore, it is their continuous demand for self government and autonomy, the Hmars remain not at peace and their endeavor for democratic state of their own keeps them at restless state.

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