''The tomb of Aurangzeb's queen Rabia-ud-Durani by Aurangabad illustrates in apathetic manner the rapid deterioration of the Mughal architecture." Bring out the correctness of the above statement by discussing the architecture of the buildings.

The tomb of Aurangzeb’s queen Rabya-ud- Daurani at Aurangabad illustrates in apathetic manner the rapid deterioration of the Mughal architectural style. It was erected in 1679 and it is a frank imitation of the Taj Mahal at Agra, though on a much smaller scale.

  • The difference between this tomb, known as the Deccani Taj Mahal and Shah Jahan’s masterpiece is striking in view of so short an interval that separated the two monuments, and shows in an effective manner the rapid decay and impoverishment of the style.
  • The composition lacks, however, the subtle and satisfying proportions of the prototype, and the weak foliations of the arches and meaningless ornaments stream all over the surface of the monument lending it almost an insipid appearance.

Compared to the Taj Mahal, the Tomb of Rahya-ud-Daurani is a very mediocre production which as Fergusson says, ‘narrowly escapes vulgarity and bad taste.’

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