The reasons for continued lack of participation of women in Politics is deeply rooted into the past and traditional belief system. Analyse in context of India.

Being another gender, compassing half of the civilization, participation of women in various scenarios has always been a cause of concern.

Factors leading to poor participation:

  1. In Ancient time –
    • Women were kept at lower pedestal and at par with shudras by citing writings of Shashtras and Puranas. Thus, their participation was curtailed.
    • Major onus of domestic chores was considered women’s responsibility, thus unfair division of labour was practiced.
    • Women’s happiness was attached to men’s. Hence in that society her voice was not considered necessary.
  2. Mediaeval time –
    • Debarring few rulers like Razia Sultan, Rani Rupmati, Rani Rudramadevi, it was all men-led political order due to belief in male-based inheritance and social order.
  3. Problem in Modern era –
    • Centuries-old beliefs are deeply rooted in woman’s mind. E.g. Ghunghat culture, speaking slowly in front of men, has curtailed their political participation.
    • Education which is a tool to egalitarianism is still a distant dream for many women. E.g. only 52% women literacy in Rajasthan.
    • Concept of tokenization, Panchayat Pati has thwarted the freedom given by 73rd and 74th Amendment Act.

However, there is growing number of women legislatives, which is the result of awakening. This will help in the dream of sustainable development goals of gender equality.

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