"The problem with India is that it is located on the epicentre of terrorism and dealing with so many hostile neighbours, all at once."Discuss keeping focus on role played by neighbours in creating internal security troubles in India.

Model Answer:
India is facing security problems not only from external threats but aslo from internal threats. Both external state and non-state actors have played an active role, mainly in the form of four major threats viz. Separatism in Jammu and Kashmir; Insurgency in North East India, Left Wing Extremism and Terrorism in the Hinterland. Out of them, the first and the last are a direct manifestation of Pakistani influence, which includes the ISI and Pak military. In recent times, these two threats also getting sharper due to rise of ISIS in Middle East. The insurgents in north east get direct and indirect support from neighbours of India around its porous north east border. The left wing extremism has direct and indirect support from Nepal, China and other countries of South East Asia. Historically, we have border disputes with Pakistan, China and Bangladesh. Thus, we see that India is located on the epicenter of terrorism and dealing with so many hostile neighbours, all at once. The reasons for India’s security circles include:

  • Nuclear Capabilities of China and Pakistan
  • Military assertiveness and String of Pearls strategy of China
  • Pakistan’s military rule beneath the nose of the civilian government
  • Anti-India sentiments in Nepal and Bangladesh
  • Dubiousness of Sri Lanka in Tamil cause and fishermen issues

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