The Himalayan Foothills abound in natural as well as artificial wetlands." Discuss with suitable examples.

Wetlands are defined as land which is saturated with water seasonally or permanently with water and takes on the characteristics of a distinct ecosystem. India has 26 Ramsar wetland sites and a number of small and large wetlands.
Himalayan Foothills are abound with wetlands

  • Wetlands in Himalayan region of Jammu and Kashmir, H.P are of glacial origin like Wular lake.
  • Terai is a lowland region on the foothills of Shiwaliks, this region is crossed by number of rivers like Sarda , Karnali etc . Thus the number of rivers originating from Himalayas when encountered with slope reduction form channels after deposition of load
  • The eastern Himalayan region receive very heavy rainfall and are flooded due to rivers like Brahmaputra leading to swamp forests.
  • Himalayan foothills also boast of number of man-made wetlands like Ropar wetland on River Sutlej, Maharana Pratap Sagar reservoir on river Beas created for irrigation , drinking water supply.

Thus presence of perennial, fast flowing rivers, settlement of population, topography, land forms created by glaciers have made Himalayan foothills abound with wetlands.

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