Rooftop solar provides provides a good alternative source of electricity to that provided by the grid, however, it is not being adopted widely in India. Highlight the reasons underlying.

Rooftop solar cells can be installed on the roofs of buildings. Out of the target of 100 GW of solar power by 2022, 40 GW is planned to come from rooftop solar installations. Rooftop solar provides an option of an alternative source of electricity to the residential areas and companies. The main benefit is that it is environment-friendly, along with that solar power can also augment the existing grid supply. However despite benefits, rooftop solar is not adopted widely.
Variability in supply is one of the major problems with rooftop solar. There is variation in efficiency of the solar panels depending brightness of sunlight. Another issue is that solar panels don’t produce electricity during the night, a time when electricity is most needed. Storage of electricity produced during daytime can be a solution. However, the problem is that storage technology is still underdeveloped and it is too expensive to afford. Though some companies may be able to afford, the installation and storage cost is big disincentive when it comes to residential customers. Another problem with residential areas is restrictions on the use of roof, also if the roof is used for solar generation, then it cannot be used for anything else. Economic viability is another reason. Due to subsidised electricity tariffs, the solar electricity seems too expensive.
With the development of new technology and imports of cheap solar panels will help in reducing the cost of rooftop solar power. Solar energy is a sustainable energy solution. To greater use government should focus on spreading awareness and making solar energy systems more viable.

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