Provision of primary healthcare system has been a big challenge in Indian healthcare system. In this context, the concept of Mohalla clinics in Delhi seems to be well designed than earlier healthcare interventions. Discuss how they work, and what the reasons for their success are. Do you think this model can be successfully be replicated in rural areas of India?

Mohalla Clinics is an innovative concept by Delhi government which aims to set up 500 such clinics.  Each Mohalla clinic is a semi-permanent structure built with modern technology and latest design in an economical way. Each clinic will have a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, and a laboratory technician. At a later stage, the clinics would be provided with specialist doctors.
The clinic will take care of primary healthcare needs of people living within a kilometer. The services provided by them include outpatient consultations, immunisation, free medicines and diagnostics, family planning, referral and counselling services.
Each Mohalla clinic is linked to multi-speciality clinics for logistical support and also for referral of patients who needs specialist care.
These clinics would reduce the travel and waiting time for the patients as it would be in their proximity. Also the patients could approach the clinics during early stage of the illness. Provision of free medicines and 50 diagnostic services at free of cost would reduce the healthcare expenditure for poor people.
The mohalla clinic concept is well designed than earlier healthcare interventions. The other state governments can study the concept of neighbourhood clinics and take up the pilot projects in Metros and other big urban areas.

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