Present a cost benefit analysis of so called India+3 and proposed talks of 'Rule of Law in Indo-Pacific'.

India is at the threshold of many grand alliances at the international arena with major powers of the world. All these alliances are based to counter the rise of China.
 There has been much hype about the “quad” being pushed by the US as a quadrilateral alliance of like-minded countries. It comprises India-Japan-US while it has been proposed to include France and Germany in the same. It is seen as a distinct alliance to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative which has increased the footprint of the dragon in the region. The arc thus spans India’s west across Northeast, Myanmar and the South-eastern Asia region. The US investment in India’s periphery to match India’s Act East policy along with Japanese development initiatives will ensure peace and stability in Indo-Pacific and will not allow the region to fall prey to predatory economics.
Costs and Benefits for India:

  • The agreement between US and China on China’s Silk Road Fund is a clear dichotomy in US approach. India needs to watch it closely before joining many alliances looking at short-term benefits.
  • India should equally weigh Russian led International North-South Transport Corridor which promises to be a gateway for India to connect with Central Asia via Chabahar port in Iran. Likewise Russian and Chinese trade relations should be kept in mind before pursuing these alliances in uncertain times.
  • The Quad will also undermine Indo-Russian ties in the long run due to growing Indo-US friendship.

Thus, India should avoid excessive dependence on these multilateral forums and not end up compromising Indian sovereignty for short-term objectives.

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