"Poverty and unemployment are inseparable twins". An effective anti-poverty programme should aim at solving the unemployment problem. Elucidate

Poverty and unemployment are inseparable twins because unemployment leads to lack of a regular income, which in turn leads to the inability for a person to be able to maintain the basic needs, such as eating healthy foods, buying into health care and providing adequate shelter and lack of education. All these factors contribute to poverty. But, even it is possible to live in poverty even with employment. A low paid worker may suffer much the same hardships.
To overcome the menace of poverty government has contributed through various social welfare schemes for employment generation such as Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY), Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) and 20 point program.But, the programmes have not been able to achive sustainable milestone.Hence, there is a need for an effective anti-poverty programme at solving the unemployment problem through structural, institutional and technological reforms in the economic sectors for speeding up the pace of economic growth; reduction in inequality of income; reduction in growth rate of population and stability in price level etc.
Structural: change from the agriculture based economy to manufacturing and service based economy.
Technological: change from labour intensive technology to capital intensive technology.
Institutional: change in actual ownership of land or change in land holding pattern.

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