Poverty alleviation programmes in India remain mere showpieces until and unless they are backed up by political will. Discuss with reference to the performance of the major poverty alleviation programmes in India.

The poverty alleviation program was started in India from the era of Indira Gandhi. The “Garibi Hatao Desh Bachao” plan was formulated during the fifth five-year plan. India was totally dependent on the agrarian economy at the very beginning. It depended totally on imports to meet the food needs. Even after taking several steps to eradicate poverty, the challenge is still there.

Steps taken & problems

  • A lot of initiatives have been taken by the government but they don’t continue with the same intensity till the end.
  • The corruption involved during the time of the selection of the beneficiaries.
  • Lack of funds, management, and governance.
  • Minimum wage problem in MGNREGs.
  • Lack of awareness about various government schemes.
  • Lack of strong leadership behind the implementation program

Way out

  • Increasing minimum wages for unskilled sectors.
  • High-quality child care and providing them early education facilities.
  • Introduction of free-market policies to promote economic growth.
  • Creating opportunities for self-sufficiency (Atma Nirbhar Bharat).
  • The welfare development program for farmers.


Serious actions have to be taken against all factors that are causing difficulties in the poverty alleviation program. Adequate budget allocation, a systematic review, and applying necessary changes made will definitely improve the overall situation.

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