Page-49 of UPSC Questions
Highlight the fundamental reasons behind the employment problem that India is facing currently. Also, suggest a way forward.
Unemployment is defined as a situation when a person actively searching for employment is unable to find work. It is often used as a measure of the health of the economy. According to recent data from the Center for Monitoring ..
Throw some light on the significance and challenges of membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for India.
India along with Pakistan joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2018. Other members are Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and China. Significance for India: Potential to leverage SCO’s help in breaking stalemate with Pakistan for TAPI and IIP pipelines. Energy ..
Discuss the challenges faced by jute industry in India. What are the steps taken by the government to address these challenges?
Jute is a biodegradable natural fibre that is used for variety of purpose like making ropes, gunny bags for packaging, etc. Challenges faced by Jute industry: The small size of Jute making firms. The use of obsolete machinery and technology. ..
Government often cites lack of funds for development projects but there are common instances where funds lie unutilised in several departments. Explain the reasons behind this.
Lack of financial resources and necessary infrastructure remains one of the dominant challenges in implementation of any government scheme. Prominent examples: 73rd and 74th constitutional – local bodies have paucity of funds as well as functionaries. Gram Nyayalayas – not ..
Explain how India’s engagement with its Diaspora has evolved and undergone a change through various policies in recent past.
India has the numerically largest Diaspora in the world, which helps to promote India’s economic and diplomatic growth all over the globe and improve soft power of India in international relations. Change in engagement: Economic – while continuing to encourage ..
The parliamentary privileges in India are uncodified and this has led to their use for purposes other than they were intended for. In the light of this, examine the need for their codification.
Parliamentary privileges are available to members of Parliament and its committees to secure independence and parliamentary sovereignty. Article 105 of the constitution of India, deals with parliamentary privileges. Need for codification: It will reduce the risk of misuse of Parliamentary ..
India’s per capita GDP has grown five times in last two decades, however the income distribution is highly uneven. In this context, discuss the issue of rising inequality in India.
Certainly, India has witnessed many changes and a rapid GDP growth in last two decades. However, the income is concentrated in few hands. India’s Gini coefficient value hovers around 0.9 on the Lorenz curve, where the value 1 is perfect ..
Despite its geographical setting in the Middle East, Israel is economically tied to western world. With this reference, examine the impacts of so called Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement on Israel. How it has affected the international relations of that country?
It is true that despite of its geographic setting in the Middle East, Israel is economically tied to western world. More than half of its imports come from the European Community and almost half of its exports go there. Since ..
Farm loan waivers are neither adequate nor recommended for promoting sustained agricultural growth. Analyze.
Farm loan waiver refers to the payment of agricultural loans by the government and exemption of farmers from doing the same. Farm loans waivers are inadequate: Only 60% of farmers take a loan from formal banks and the rest depend ..
Pradhanmantri Jan Dhan Yojna has played a significant role in increasing financial inclusion. Analyze its performance in achieving its objectives.
Pradhanmantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) was launched in 2014 to achieve the financial inclusion of unbanked sections of the society, with an aim of at least one bank account per household. PMJDY has become one of the most successful schemes ..