Page-48 of UPSC Questions
Energy cooperation among the South Asian countries has several gaps. In this context, discuss the steps taken by India to promote regional energy cooperation.
The South Asian economies face the greatest threat to energy security in the light of increasing population and decreasing fossil fuels. Current gaps in energy cooperation: Pakistani denial of passage to Afghanistan hinders TAPI, IIP pipelines. Financial challenges due to ..
The Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) can be a game changer for the renewable energy sector in India. Evaluate.
Renewable energy is the production of energy from sources which do not pollute the environment and which in theory are not at risk of depletion e.g., solar and wind. India as per world’s best practices has added hydro power to ..
Amid the growing concerns around groundwater, discuss the salient features, significance and prospects of Atal Bhoojal Yojana.
Ground water provides for about 60% of the irrigation needs, 85% of rural drinking water requirements and 50% of urban water needs. Over-exploitation and contamination has resulted in crisis like situation. Atal Bhoojal Yojana is aimed at efficient management of ..
Despite agriculture increasingly becoming a female activity in India, only a very small amount of land owners are women. Identify the hurdles in giving women land rights and the measures needed to tackle it.
After independence, India made a significant progress in empowering women. Increase in women’s access to education and reduction in child marriages, are some of the indicators. However, the gender disparities continue to exist. 65% of agricultural labour force in India ..
Economic policies focused only on quantitative aspect of growth have not shown trickle-down effect. Inclusive growth only can ensure equitable distribution of fruits of progress. Elaborate.
Earlier economic policies were focused on growth, a quantitative approach. It was believed that ultimately prosperity would ‘trickle-down’ to the masses. However, rising inequality, hunger, disease, low-wages, poor education & healthcare are causing societies to talk about development & inclusive ..
Asset monetization is imperative to achieve the goal of $5 trillion economy and fund India’s massive infrastructure needs. In the light of above statement, critically discuss the need of national monetization pipeline. Also discuss the issues that need to be addressed for its success.
Government of India has announced National monetization pipeline for asset monetization. Asset monetization refers to deriving value from public assets through means such as leasing (TOT model), selling dysfunctional assets, PPP investments, etc. Need for asset monetization in India: Harnessing ..
Discuss the extent, causes, and implications of 'double burden of malnutrition' in India.
The double burden of malnutrition refers to the dual burden of under- and over nutrition (leading to obesity) occurring simultaneously within a population. The data from the latest round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) shows that obesity among ..
Section 498-A of Indian Penal Code is considered to be most draconian provision of the IPC with respect to dowry. Critically discuss the recent (July 2017) Supreme Court order in this context and its potential implications
Section 498A of IPC provides that if the husband or a relative of the husband of a woman, subjects the woman to cruelty, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall ..
The Shimla agreement 1972 and Lahore declaration 1999 are two important events in the history of Indian subcontinent that have far reaching impacts. Analyse
The Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1972 after the 1971 India-Pakistan war that led to the creation of Bangladesh. It bound the two countries to settle their disputes bilaterally through peaceful negotiations. This was a departure ..
While focusing on the importance of agriculture extension services in India, highlight the challenges faced in implementing it. Discuss the role of National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) in this context.
Agriculture extension services refer to information and education, as well as other supporting services to farmers, to help enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency, e.g. M-Kisan (mobile based information). Importance of extension services: Availability of correct information to help make informed ..