Page-47 of UPSC Questions

India needs to move from being an assembler to a manufacturer of microchips. In this context, identify the associated challenges and opportunities.

The Microchips refer to small sized semiconductor chips which are increasingly being used in day-to-day gadgets, appliances, devices, control systems, etc. Rise of 5G, artificial Intelligence and internet of things has given significant push to microchip industry. In this context, ..

Integrated water resource management can address the problems related to water in India. Discuss.

IWRM refers to managing water and land resources in an integrated manner, taking the river sub-basin as the basic unit. National water policy 2012, brought in the concept of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Features of IWRM: River basin as ..

Highlight the factors that have led to formation of a dedicated Indo Pacific division in the MEA. What are the challenges for India in the Indo Pacific region?

The Indo Pacific region has become vital for the foreign policy of every country. All the P5 nations are showing strategic interest in the Indian Ocean. Reasons for dedicated Indo Pacific division: To coordinate with the other P5 countries commands, ..

Throw some light on the importance of alternate dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms and its types available in India. Suggest measures to further improve it.

Alternate dispute definition is defined as the process of mediation and resolution of disputes without judicial involvement. Benefits: Cheap resolution Less time consuming Reducing burden of courts More suited for minor disputes where personalized touch is appreciated. Beneficial for marginalized ..

Right marketing strategies and an efficient supply chain are imperative to make India a global food supply leader. Elucidate.

Despite being among countries with largest area under cultivation, India’s contribution to global agriculture exports is a meagre 2 to 3%. Opportunities for India: Second largest rice and wheat production. Largest Dairy producer in world. Second largest fisheries sector in ..

Highlight the indispensability of the doctrine of separation of powers for a democracy. Elucidate the principle of ‘checks and balances’ and discuss it in context of India.

Doctrine of separation of powers is integral to any democratic setup. Ensures proper checks and balances. Prevents tyranny of the executive. Ensure sanctity of constitution and fundamental rights. Provides avenues for citizens who have been wronged by any organ of ..

Give arguments regarding the issue of bringing judiciary under the ambit of RTI.

The right to information act requires public authorities to provide requested information in a timeframe of 30 days. There have been demands for bringing judiciary too under the ambit of RTI. Merits of bringing judiciary under RTI: Transparency – the ..

The need of the hour is to do away with traditional accounting methods like GDP calculation and move towards more comprehensive methods that accounts for Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services as well to establish link between economy and environment. In this context, discuss the initiatives taken by India.

Natural capital and Ecosystem services (NC&EC) refers to value stored in land, water, forest, and other natural resources, e.g. Forest – provisioning food, shelter, disaster resilience, etc. Accounting for natural capital and ecosystem services is crucial for realizing their importance, ..

What are the provisions of proposed women reservation bill? What are the hitches in its passage? Discuss.

108th constitutional amendment Bill, which is commonly known as the Women’s Reservation Bill, seeks to provide reservation for women in the house of people and state legislative assemblies. Provisions of the bill Reservation of 1/3 of all seats for women ..

Critically assess the government efforts in India to involve the community in primary healthcare activities and impacts of these efforts in various health indicators.

In the primary health care, the key government efforts include (1) community health workers such as ASHAs and ANMs (2) Community Health Centres (2)  Community based interventions such as in vaccination drives and awareness programmes about TB/HIV (4) involvement of ..