Page-46 of UPSC Questions

What do you understand by blue economy? How is it different from blue water economy with respect to maritime diplomacy? Explain.

Blue water and brown water are the concept of maritime diplomacy based on the relative distance from the coast. While brown water represents area near to coast under the jurisdiction of the littoral state as “territorial sea or Exclusive economic ..

The Anti-Defection Law (ADL) has been violated and misinterpreted time and again. Suggest measures to strengthen the Anti-Defection Law.

The Anti-Defection Laws (1985) seeks to disqualify legislators who vote against party directives in the legislature, or voluntarily give up party membership. Violations of Anti-Defection Law: The Speakers of various legislative assemblies have played a partisan role when it comes ..

It is often argued that a circular economy has solutions to the economic problems in India. What are the principles on which circular economy is based? Discuss its relevance in India.

The circular economy is a concept, that involves using and reusing resources again and again, in contrast to the linear economy which is based on the use and throw model. The circular economy is based on the 5R principle: Reduce ..

Bring out the key differences between India's Aadhaar and Social Security Number (SSN) of United States while examining the role of former in better implantation of government schemes for vulnerable sections of society.

Aadhaar is a pet project of government of India. It has similarities with the Social Security Number (SSN) of US. But it is not entirely same. The major differences between Aadhaar and SSN include Aadhaar is a 12 digit number ..

Discuss the constitutional, statutory and policy framework for protection of the rights of tribal and indigenous people in India.

Constitutional Framework Article 15 prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Article 16 makes provisions for equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. Article 46 directs the state for promotion of Educational and ..

The lower judiciary in India is plagued by various challenges which directly impacts its productivity. Discuss and suggest some remedial measures.

Lower judiciary or subordinate courts are the courts which function at the district level and below, in the form of session courts (criminal cases) and district court (civil cases). They work under the supervisory jurisdiction of the High Courts. Challenges ..

India needs a targeted region-specific action plan in order to achieve an equitable distribution of fruits of prosperity, owing to its geographical diversity and varied levels of development across regions. Elaborate.

India has a wide variety of geographical challenges which are compounded further by the wide spread regional disparities. It has led some to opine that a targeted region-specific action plan is the way forward. Geographical Challenges: The complete North India ..

India-Nepal bilateral relations have not normalized even after several attempts of resetting ties. Discuss.

India and Nepal share an intimate bond. Both countries have historical ties and their relationship is often termed as ‘Roti Beti ka Rishta’. The cultural connect, movement of people, similar religion, have formed unique ties between the two nations. However, ..

Enumerate the provisions within the institutional architecture of India to resolve inter-state disputes. Assess their effectiveness.

The institutional architecture in India to settle inter-state disputes includes the interstate council, the NITI Aayog and the Supreme Court. Inter-State Council: It is a constitutional body established under article 263, thus well-placed to settle disputes. It has solved over ..

The social evil of debt bondage or bonded labour in still in continuance even after 75 years of independence. Examine the reasons behind it and discuss steps to be taken for its redress.

Bonded labour refers to work without pay/minimum pay and suspension of basic human rights of workers. According to the Supreme Court of India it is the payment of wages that are below the prevailing market wages and legal minimum wages. ..