Page-42 of UPSC Questions
What are the proposed amendments to the Whistle Blowers Act? Do they defeat the very purpose of the legislation? Discuss
The proposed amendment bill prohibits reporting corruption related disclosures if the it falls under 10 categories like information relating to economic, scientific interests and security of country, cabinet proceedings, intellectual property etc. It l reverses the provision in the act ..
It is argued by some that the office of Governor needs to be abolished as it has outlived its relevance. Critically examine in the context of India.
The governor is the executive head of the state, who is appointed by the President and remains on his position during the pleasure of the President. The post has remained controversial since its inception, because of the involved politics. There ..
Highlighting the role played by ASHA workers, discuss the challenges faced by them in the public health system of India.
ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) workers are vital touch points, where public health policies are realized into outcomes. Role played by ASHA workers: Increased awareness on health issues. Reduce health information asymmetry. Increase the institutional delivery process, which reduces IMR, ..
Explain the significance of credit rating agencies in India and highlight the issues in their working.
Credit rating Agencies are corporate bodies registered under SEBI Act 1992. They work to provide ratings to corporate bonds, debentures, shares, etc. Credit rating is an assessment of the credit worthiness of a borrower, who can be an individual, corporation, ..
How non-state actors bend foreign policies of countries? Critically discuss while keeping India's neighbourhood in focus.
Non-state actors, such as international NGOs and multinational corporations(MNCs) play a very important role in foreign policy in the globalized world. This help in forging the relationship between nations & provide a boost to economic growth and peace. However, nations ..
Economic empowerment alone cannot provide social security; social empowerment is needed along with it. Discuss in the context of India.
Directive Principles of State Policy in India talk about social security, which is hampered due to various issues that vulnerable sections face. Social security means: Income security Maintain productivity Reduce distress Help people take advantage of financial markets. Formalisation of ..
Hydrogen-based energy production can play a key role in a clean, secure, and affordable energy future. In this context, identify the potential and opportunities for utilizing hydrogen-based technologies. What are the challenges that need to be addressed to fulfill the potential?
Hydrogen-based energy production makes use of hydrogen fuel cells by electrochemical reactions to generate heat & energy. Potential and opportunities for utilizing Hydrogen energy: Source of clean energy – Hydrogen emits no greenhouse gases, unlike other fuels like coal and ..
To what extent, the doctrine of basic structure has established the Judicial Supremacy in the area of "amendment of the Constitution"? Explain.
The Constitution makers had given the power to amend the Constitution in the hands of the Parliament by making it neither too rigid nor too flexible with a purpose that the Parliament will amend it as to cope up with ..
What are the major factors that contribute to the geopolitical significance of the Indian Ocean? Critically examine in the light of current geopolitics and implications of the same for India.
The Indian Ocean is the only ocean which is named after a country and it is primarily due to the strategic position of India in the region. It is endowed with 36 littoral and 11 hinterland countries which qualify it ..
Despite of so many years passed of establishment of Inter-state Council, it remains an underutilized and ignored constitutional body. Discuss critically.
Till 1967, most states in India were under rule of a common party {Congress} and it was easier to resolve inter-state disputes. After 1967, other parties or coalitions than the one running at centre or neighbouring states started ruling. These ..