Page-40 of UPSC Questions

Critically discuss how ‘Barbell Strategy, Safety Nets & Agile Response’ helped the Government of India to deal with extreme uncertainty imposed by Covid-19 Pandemic.

The uncertainty caused on behalf of the Covid-19 pandemic had made it quite challenging for policy makers in last two years to deal with changing scenarios due to mutating virus, travel restrictions, supply-chain disruptions and global inflation. The economic survey ..

What is the mandate of Section 123 of the Representation of the People Act? Explain while keeping in focus the recent Supreme Court Judgement.

 Section 123 of the Representation of the People Act talks about “corrupt electoral practices”. It states that the consequences of being found guilty of engaging in any sort of corrupt electoral practice are severe – they could range from imprisonment ..

There has been almost a consensus that the task of identification of the poor should be transferred from bureaucracy to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). While analyzing pros and cons of this policy, examine if the methods such as Participatory Identification of Poor (PIP) should be extended beyond NRLM.

The 73rd amendment to the constitution was based on Article 40 (DPSP) which states that “the States shall take steps to organise Panchayats and vest them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function ..

Differentiate between Induced and Autonomous Investments. Why governments try to boost the autonomous investment?

Model Answer: Induced investment is that investment which is governed by income and amount of profit in return i.e. higher profit may lead to higher investment and vice versa. Autonomous investment is that investment which is independent of the level ..

Discuss the importance for providing social security to gig workers. Highlight the challenges that exist in this regard.

Gig workers means the workers engaged in delivering services via various unconventional ways, like freelancing, independent auditing, etc. They form about 13% of India’s workforce. Need for social security to gig workers: Not fixed term employment. Flow of revenues is ..

The livestock sector can play a very significant role in achieving the aim of doubling farmers’ income and bringing people out of poverty by augmenting their income. Discuss, and also suggest some measures for sustainable growth of the livestock sector.

Indian agricultural sector is marked by mixed-agriculture, i.e farm and non-farm products like cattle farming, poultry, etc. India has one of the largest livestock populations in the world, according to a recent livestock census. The livestock sector is essential for ..

The skill India mission of the government of India faces a 3E challenge, Education, Employment & Employability. Discuss and suggest measures to overcome these challenges.

Indian population has the advantage of being one of the youngest in the world. The focus on skilling the young Indian population began with a structural policy change with the Skill India mission in 2016. 3E challenge: Education: With an ..

In recent times, several states in India have adopted the practice of creating separate schools and colleges for children of marginalised communities such as Dalits and Tribals. Does it bypass the mandate of inclusive education that must be open and accessible to children from all backgrounds, castes and religions? Discuss critically.

Yes, it will de jure bypass the mandate of inclusive education and may result in the creation of educational ghettoes. But I believe that even the schools meant for everyone aren’t inclusive and they have de facto bypassed the mandate. ..

Enumerate the reasons that have led to a lopsided trade between India and China. Do you agree with the view that a face-off between the two countries has more economic ramifications than security? Discuss.

The trade relationship between India and China the most important aspect of the bilateral relationship.  The total trade between both the countries  is around 70 billion dollar. However, India has a nearly 50 billion-dollar trade deficit.  Imbalance in trade is ..

In order to make India a manufacturing hub, there is a need to focus on the core areas which are crucial for promoting exports. Discuss in the backdrop of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.

After the covid-19 lockdown, Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the Prime Minister to make India into a self-reliant superpower. The goal to create 10 crore manufacturing job and 25% of GDP by manufacturing is been given off fillip. Way ..