Page-39 of UPSC Questions
"It appears that the FRBM act and the rules framed for fiscal discipline was an exercise in futility". Discuss suggesting steps towards fiscal discipline with reference to FRBM Act 2003.
Model Answer: The FRBM Act 2003 envisaged at: Reducing revenue deficit; fiscal deficit; liabilities of the government; prohibiting the Union Government from guaranteeing to loans raised by PSUs and State governments and mandates fiscal consolidation. However, due to lack of ..
What are the two major legal initiatives by the state since independence addressing discrimination against Scheduled tribes (STs).
MN Srinivas’ study on Coorgs of Mysore made it pertinent that the hierarchically superior group would oppose the introduction of an alien group within its strata and that the alien group would have to adopt the practices of the superior ..
Discuss the various functions of Pressure groups while commenting their role on healthy democratic system.
The functions of pressure groups especially with respect to strengthening the democratic system are as follows- The pressure groups themselves do not want to form any Government. But, they play an important role in influencing the decisions of the Government. ..
To what extent the Chapter V-B of the industrial disputes act is responsible for anomalies in the manufacturing sector in India. Discuss.
Chapter VB is the most controversial part of Industrial Disputes Act (1947). It states that an industrial establishment with more than 50 employees needs to give 90 days’ notice, before closing the industry; citing reasons of closure, to the appropriate ..
Discuss the key elements of fiscal policy of the government.
Model Answer: All the decisions taken by government in terms of taxation, resource mobilization and expenditure comprise the Fiscal Policy. There are four key components of Fiscal Policy are as follows: Taxation Policy The government tries to keep the taxes ..
Discuss the role of Public Accounts Committee in establishing accountability of the government to the people.
The Public Accounts Committee is a committee consisting of selected members of parliament which are constituted by the Parliament of India. The main objective of the committee is the auditing of the revenue and the expenditure of the Government of ..
What do you understand by Strategic petroleum Reserves? Discuss rationale and India's efforts towards building Strategic petroleum Reserves.
Currently, India depends on imports for its crude oil needs. The demand is likely to grown in the future. Any distortions in supply or price fluctuations could cost heavy to India. Since 2003, the Government of India has commissioned the ..
The bilateral relations among the members need to be overcome first for making SCO a successful regional grouping. Comment. Also, discuss the role that SCO can play in enhancing India’s interest in the Eurasian region.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an economic, political and military organisation among the eight nations of Asia, out of which 5 are from Central Asia. To become successful it needs to overcome the bilateral differences: Problems between India and ..
It’s time to shift focus on other facets of Swachh Bharat Mission, other than construction of toilets as a part of solution for clean India. Discuss.
Swachh Bharat Mission was launched in 2014 with an over arcing goal of achieving total sanitation and hygiene in the country. Components: Construction of toilets. Achieving ODF status for India. Increasing adoption of toilets drastically. Promoting waste management and cleanliness. ..
Explain the difference between direct and indirect farm subsidies and also mention their merits and demerits.
The farm subsidies cost approximately 2.5-3.0% of our GDP and account for over 1/5th of total farm income. Direct and indirect subsidies: Direct farm subsidies include support/ subsidy transferred directly into farmer’s hands. Whereas, indirect farm subsidies are inherent in ..