Page-38 of UPSC Questions
While analyzing the nature of the party system in India, elucidate the various phases of evolution of political party system in India in the Post-independence era.
Before independence the Indian national congress was the most dominant political party in India with assimilation of diverse interests into what is called the Congress System. After the First Word War, India saw the rise of Muslim League claiming to ..
What are the reasons of strife between Saudi Arabia and Iran? Do you think that Iran-Saudi Arabia strife may have substantial ramifications for India. Discuss.
The most important geopolitical factor in West Asia is the sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia camps represented by Saudi Arabia and Iran respectively. The competition between Saudi Arabia and Iran for attaining regional hegemony and supremacy has led to ..
Elucidate the constitutional provisions under which (1) Parliament can enact a law on subject of state list (2) Parliament can create new All India Services (3) Parliament can abolish existing All India Service.
The framers of our Constitution provides for a federal set. However, there are some provisions in the constitution which retard this idea and make the constitution unitary in nature due to over-powering the union. Some of the such provisions include- ..
Critically examine the implications of the following developments upon separation of powers between legislative and executive in India – (1) Anti-defection law (2) 91st Amendment of the Constitution.
The doctrine of separation of power implies that each pillar of democracy – the executive, legislature and the judiciary – perform separate functions and act as separate entities. It forms a part of the basic structure of the constitution even ..
Discuss the essentials of the 69th Constitutional Amendment Act and anomalies, if any, that have led to recent reported conflicts between the elected representatives and institution of the Lieutenant Governor in the administration of Delhi. Do you think this will give rise to a new trend in functioning of the Indian federal politics?
The 69th Constitutional Amendment act is important in the light of the conflict between Lt. Governor and the elected representatives of Delhi. The crisis originated in the context of the limit of the constitutional powers of the elected government in ..
While the UPA Government had rejected to sign the LSA, CISMOA and BECA Agreements with United States, the current government's stand seems to have changed. While throwing light on these agreements, suggest what stand India should take.
These agreements are called “Foundational Agreements” which will take strategic and defence ties to a next level. The UPA government had refused to sign due to coalition pressures but the current Government has shown interest to sign them. CISMOA (Communication ..
Why the Investment led growth is not considered to be sustainable? Examine citing examples.
Model Answer: Investment-led growth model: The higher capital investment in the form of machinery and infrastructure increases the productive capacity of the economy. The higher the investment; the higher is the profit and further is the investment. The Economic growth ..
Discuss the steps taken by the government to fix the issues faced by the civil aviation sector in India.
India has third largest domestic market in Civil Aviation in the world. Significance: Among the fastest growing sector. Private players leading to cost effectiveness and large consumer base. Key for passenger, freight transport such as Agri produce transport. Constraints: High ..
What makes Self Help Groups (SHGs) the most significant player in empowering women especially in the rural areas? Discuss with suitable examples.
Women are considered to be vulnerable sections of the society especially when it comes to rural areas. They suffer from many disadvantages as compared to men in terms of literacy rate, labour participation rates and earnings. Therefore, the major strategies ..
Why is China's economy slowing? While throwing light upon various reasons, examine the effect of China's slowdown on world economy and India.
China has been the world’s fastest growing economy in the last three decades. But since last few years, China’s economy has been under stress and it is experiencing contraction and instability. China’s instability is threatening to push the world economy ..